viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

A friend

I’m going to talk about a group of people that I consider like the craziest people on earth. On my school period, to be specific on 8°grade came new people on my class. One of them is one of my best friends. In my class there was always the bad idea of making groups of friends because I thought that in one way or another my entire class were not compatible so always they were fighting like little kids. Well, to the point. My group of friends were big… I feel that I don’t have a big problem to speak with people and to make new friends. But always when you have a lot of friends there are a small group of them that you consider like your true friends and my case my true friends are four, three girls and one boy. They are crazy and sadly for things of university and distance I don’t have a lot of time to stay with them. I know two of the girls since 6° grade, the other girl in 8¬ grade and the boy in 7°. We were so closed on the school period, when we have to make groups of work we did it together, we were so spontaneous in the way that we act and so funny at the same time that definitely I laugh and enjoy all the moments that we live together. I like them because I think that they see the life very similar to the way I see the life. We don’t fight with the other, we enjoy the time when we are together and after all we never lose the contact with the other.  I hope that during vacations we stay a lot of time together because I miss them a lot.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hope you can spend time with them during the summer! It's actually really nice to have a group of friends to hang out with and remember memories (and share new ones, yes)

  2. I agree with Barbara. It's great to keep in touch so you have to make the time to see your friends:)
