viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

blogging in FAU

Like the tradition I will start with… well… here we are finish this travel of blogs. This will be my last blog for now because my architecture workshop is not very flexible and relax.  In this moment my brain is more dry than the Atacama Desert and my feelings of run to my house and sleep are in the clouds (I know that is not an expression but I “chileanaise” the expression)
In a point of the classes I started to think that 90% of my classmates are more old than me so I felt like a baby a big part of the semester in English jajaja.
My experience this year was hard. I was the type of student that study the day before, and do the homework a minutes before the class so try to establish a rhythm of work was not a very easy plan. This career it’s only for strong people and possibly crazy people. I enter here with definitely no idea of architecture, I didn’t know about workshop, and models or architects so all of this was new for me. But when the time pass and I transform into a crazy person but I love architecture.
Sorry teacher but I cannot speak about my favorite or my worst blog because I think that everyone has a part of me and my way to express and to think so choice a special one is very difficult to me. I like when my classmates speak about personal things because in some point of the career we look the classmate like a competition or like a rival and forget that we are all humans here. We commit mistakes and we sometimes we are so stressed with the career that speaks something in a inappropriate way. And then the victim is also full of stress and make a lot of drama in Fau.
We have to respect ourselves and the rest because we are the only one that knows and understand the high level and the things that architecture can do with our lives so for that reasons the personal blogs show us that we are not robots. We have feelings, we have a story behind us and we want a new story in the future.
That’s a little reflection, I hope that the person who read this think that the effort and the things that we learn are more important than a mark.
Take care and be brave!


A city you would like to visit

Well (I think that all my blogs start with “well” I think that is my mark, anyway, I have to mention that), a couple of weeks before this blog, in a class we have to do a homework in group. The homework was very sad because we had to think that we travel to a city and imagine time, money and activities. Basically we were planning a travel that, for the moment, we can’t do.
We choose Paris, France. I know it sounds like a repeated cliché but we definitely do that.  
From my point of view, I think that, if 90% of people want to go there is for a reason. Paris is beautiful, artistic and cultural place and I hope that all people have the opportunity to go there (me included jaja). It has a lot of characteristic places like the louvre museum or the triumph arch or, obviously, the Eiffel tower.
But in our homework we think of a travel that involves more of this places. The fact of walk around the city, the streets, the corners, the river, the people and the culture was the reason that I’m talking of this now. I think that all cities have a remarkable place (I not know all cities but I believe in that) and Paris have this cultural and artistic air, like Lastarria street but in all the city, and that’s beautiful from my point of view.

Me and my group did the promise of, in some point of our lives, go there… and I hope that can make that promise a reality. 

a special meal

Well I think that I have a lot of special meal, you know, the moment when you think about “ohhhh what can I do without this crazy people?”. I’m going to talk about one of the millions of meals that I could enjoy with my school class, the were like my brothers and I love them so much and obviously I hope that their present and future its and will be awesome. Well, to the point!
I travel with my class to the south (Villarrica to be specific), after the classes, the PSU and all of that. We, basically, live for a couple of days on a cabin (don’t worry, was more than a cabin) and in the morning and a couple of hours after the meal we stay on that cabins and we thought that we actually live there like a big family. One day, after swimming in the pool, we organize with a couple of friends to do pizza in my cabin. After do that, another friends enter to the cabin like mice. Then the complete group went to the cabin of another friends and we ate their food, finally we are all in the same place (like thirty people), enjoying the moment, laughing like crazy people, and basically we were happy because we were together. I hate that in that moment the space was too reduce, but in a lot of time we even didn’t notice that

Finally, I remember this meal because, although was not the best meal of all time and the most important, was one of the meals that I consider that my family was not only my parents and brothers… I have thirty people more that were my family.

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

A friend

I’m going to talk about a group of people that I consider like the craziest people on earth. On my school period, to be specific on 8°grade came new people on my class. One of them is one of my best friends. In my class there was always the bad idea of making groups of friends because I thought that in one way or another my entire class were not compatible so always they were fighting like little kids. Well, to the point. My group of friends were big… I feel that I don’t have a big problem to speak with people and to make new friends. But always when you have a lot of friends there are a small group of them that you consider like your true friends and my case my true friends are four, three girls and one boy. They are crazy and sadly for things of university and distance I don’t have a lot of time to stay with them. I know two of the girls since 6° grade, the other girl in 8¬ grade and the boy in 7°. We were so closed on the school period, when we have to make groups of work we did it together, we were so spontaneous in the way that we act and so funny at the same time that definitely I laugh and enjoy all the moments that we live together. I like them because I think that they see the life very similar to the way I see the life. We don’t fight with the other, we enjoy the time when we are together and after all we never lose the contact with the other.  I hope that during vacations we stay a lot of time together because I miss them a lot.

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

A Chilean Building or Landmark

When I came here to study I didn't know almost anything of Santiago. I felt like a tourist for weeks and the worst thing was that I came here a few days before the university period so I felt like a stranger all the time and the only place that I knew was university and my house.. A few weeks later when I started to make new friends I started to walk through the city either. My classmates knew about my situation so they helped me and recommend me beautiful places to visit in Santiago. One of their places was Juan XXIII in Ñuñoa and I fall in love so fast.I went with three Friends and two of them knew this place . Juan XXIII is almost unknow for people in general because it’s a Little bit far from the centre of the city  like 40 to 50 minutes in transantiago so for that reason when I went there the place was almost empty and it’s so sad that this happen here because the place it’s, from my point of view, one of the most beautiful and relaxing parks in Santiago (maybe i’m wrong, but you know… i’m a tourist).  This park it’s long and 90% of it is entire nature, it looks a Little bit old but maybe this is a complemento of it’s beauty. When i went there I walk a lot and then I sit on the grass and looked the sky. So, if anyone of you are totally stressed and want to escape a Little bit of the centre please go there.

viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

another free post

The thing that I fell most passionate about it’s definitely cinema. It’s the most precious thing in terms of art (Yeah, I like the movies more than music and drawing). The reason is that I believe that a movie can change the way that you see a special thing. For example, a friend of mine saw a movie years ago and that movie impulse her to study medicine. I know, it’s sound crazy but a movie can make the difference on a person. From my point of view, a film can make you feel different emotions and it can combine different things on it. I mean, a film can contain pictures, music, dialogue, arts, expressions because the director want that you feel something and always you feel something with it. Maybe you feel boring, maybe you are scared or are simply sad because you saw the story from the eyes of the protagonist. Since I was a child I saw movies, my dad is a big fan of it so he impulse me to see different movies and I really felt grateful with him. All my life I dream with the idea of make a film o be part of any film because I think that is one of the things that endures through time. I think that I am a dreamer and one of my biggest dreams is combine architecture with movies. I really want to build cinemas through Chile because I think that, in present times, there are only a few of them and are very expensive so people preferred to wait and see movies on the internet. So that’s my passion and one of my biggest dreams.

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

A Holiday

Every year since I had fourteen years we go to Villarrica, Pucón and Lican Ray with my family. It’s like our family tradition and always we had new experiences and anecdotes to add to the list. We spend like four to six days there but we don’t lease a cabin or things like that. We camp close to the lake and we usually stay there the half of the day and the other part we walk through the town. I have to be sincere, I really remember everything of Villarrica, Pucon and Lican Ray but I enjoyed a lot this time because it’s probably the only time that I can shared with my family all together. Like I said before we have a lot of funny moments there, for example the time when we can’t enter to the car cause my sister let the keys inside and then we close all the doors. Or when we go fishing and my mother that doesn’t know anything about that caught a lot of fish. Or when we enter to the lake with an inflatable boat with my brothers and my father enter like a shark and sank the boat and then he started to go in the inflatable boat. Or when my mother sleep a lot in front of the lake and when she woke up she noticed that she seems like a tomato. Well, I enjoy a lot that moments, I laugh a lot and I hope that this year we can go there again.

Fiestas Patrias

Well, Fiestas Patrias were very excited for me and a very nostalgic moment because I travel to my town and I spend a lot of time with my family and friends. Personally I didn’t have a lot of time to stay at home and sleep a lot because I stayed a lot out of my house walking with my friends, on the cinema with my sister, or in the Fondas with my family. I went there on Saturday and the road was collapsed, I stayed on the bus like 8 hours, then I went to my grandmother’s house and we eat a lot of empanadas. Then Sunday and Monday I went to fondas and was a great time to shared experiences with friends that I didn’t see in a lot of time. Fiestas Patrias for me, it’s a time to eat a lot and this year was not an exception. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I spend my time with my family, especially my sister and my friends. Then sadly I had to come back to Santiago because I had a lot of work to do, but the time that I stayed in my town I enjoyed a lot everything. 

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

Something You Did Last Weekend

Last weekend was really an effort weekend, because my workshop didn´t stop the activities with the strike so we had to work at home every day. I remember that Friday afternoon after workshop I came out with my friends and we just walk through the city and It was so relaxing and I just needed to clear my mind and enjoy because the whole week was exhausting. Saturday I stay at home doing work with wire, but the happiest thing in the day was not wake up with an alarm. Work in my house it’s just amazing because I live alone so I have space and I can put the music that I want with a lot of volume and sing it loud. Sunday I did a work with two of my classmates of workshop and It was good because I felt very comfortable with them and they have similar ideas and perspectives of the workshop so work with them it’s great. Then I went to my house and sleep a lot cause Monday the classes came back to reality after the strike.

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

A concert or an exhibition

To be sincere I didn’t go to a lot of concerts or exhibitions, or a big concert of a very famous artist but I really want to go to a concert in the future. Like I said before in another blog I play and instrument so that gave me a lot of possibilities in terms to go and listen orchestras. But there is a concert that I will never forget and was on 2009. The concert that I speak about was a presentation by orchestra of university of Concepcion and they played movie soundtracks. My biggest passion in life is definitely movies so go and hear and see a mix of movies and music was one of my best concerts until now. I remember that I was like a little baby listened the orchestra. Then when I grow up in terms of music and I played music that was played in that concert always gave me a nostalgic sensation of “wow, years before I only can listened it and now I can play it”. So that’s one of my nostalgic concerts but like I said before I hope to go to a lot of concerts in the future and enjoy them a lot.

Free Post

Well, nowadays when I have time for me, the only thing that I think is sleep, and eat. But when I cannot eat or sleep more I search for a new movie, book or songs to relax my brain of architecture things. Months ago I heard about a new adaptation of the book “It” by Stephen King and a lot of people speak about this book and the nightmares that produce it. So I started to read it in my free time, when I go to my house and when I can’t sleep for different reasons. I didn’t finished “IT” but I’m reading the final chapters so I think I have the opportunity to recommend this book. “It” is about a group of children with similar lives who shared a nightmare in common… “It”, and they have to defeat this creature and stop al lot of death on the town Derry. After 27 years they come back to Derry and finish definitely with “It”. This book speaks about a lot of topics, bullying, violence, abuse, discrimination and also friends and love. It’s definitely a long book but when I started to read it I like it a lot. So when you have time I recommend you to read this book.

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2017

Something Artistic You Like Doing

Well, I think that music is my most artistically expression. Since I was 10 years old I start with music instruments, maybe because my friends joined to the guitar workshop and I wanted to spend more time with them, but a short time later I noticed that I was good to learn music in general. I was in the guitar workshop for one year because next year the school cannot pay to the guitar teacher.

But a couple of months later I hear that a new musical workshop in the school started, the orchestra. To be sincere, I was not very excited with the orchestra, I thought that it will be boring but after all I loved it. My director gave me the option to choose an instrument but I didn’t know about the classical instruments so I choose violin. He said that I would be better in another so he gave me a viola. I started when I was 12 years old and I continue playing when architecture give me time. A lot of people and friends advised me to continue with viola but in a professional way but my love for architecture was bigger. I enjoyed this instrument because it’s unique in the sense that just a few people know about its existence and only a few of them play it. And Finally I think l love music because I realized that it open a lot of doors if you are good and you put all your effort on it.

viernes, 11 de agosto de 2017

A family photo

The photo that I choose was taken on January 2015 and was in a special and unique moment because we were in the United States with my orchestra. I choose this picture because it was a special time of my life (probably our lives) because it was the first time that I go to another country. The people in the photo were my partners, my friends and my family at the same time, we shared a lot of experiences together and for a lot of years, maybe five or six, so we grow up together, we learned together and support each other always. This photo bring me in a nostalgic zone because a lot of us finished school and toked different ways, to different places to live different stories so we can’t see each other frequently but anyway there are some opportunities when we are in the same place so we talked hours and hours.. In the photo appear my mother and my sister to, who travel with me and was so great because we were in a different place but with them I felt in home. Finally, that trip was interesting and I think that… in some way it helped me to choose architecture as a career.